Orlando Improv - Mike Speenberg & Lisa Landry
I was not really in the mood for funny... long day and slight hangover found me half uninterested when agreeing to meet my dear friend over at the Orlando Improv. But soo glad I did. Our seats were right up front (as in if they were any closer to the stage we'd know the make and model of the comedian's underwear) and we shared a table with some fun guys we met being seated. The opening comedian, Mike Speenberg, was simply hilarious. Very generational humor, I found myself relating to literally everything he said either by age or by being a Southern girl. He killed it... and I highly recommend anyone in Central Florida checking him out this weekend while he's here. Very funny. Lisa Landry, the headliner, was fantastic in her own right. Being from Louisiana, there were lots of great local references that cracked me up but its her self-deprecating humor that will make your sides split. Both are at the Orlando Improv through Sunday - check them out if you can... or if they visit a city near you soon. Great night out - just what I needed. Thanks Jazz!